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Scissors Sharpening at QA + more

Scissors Sharpening Nov. 16 

Scissors, Pinking Shears, and Knives 

Mr. Leonard will be here from 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. on Nov. 16 sharpening scissors, pinking shears, and knives. You need to sign-up with us if you are going to bring in your tools that afternoon! Call 804.262.0005 or email us. Or you can drop off the tool before the 16th with us. Be sure to attach contact information - name, phone where he can contact you if there is a question while sharpening. If you bring pinking shears - he'll try to get an edge. If he can't, no charge for trying. If you are bringing a knife, it must be wrapped in a towel with a rubberband wrapped around it. Then place it in a ziplock bag with your contact information. Be sure to call us if you have any questions.

Holiday Classes for Quick Gifts

Nov. 18, Saturday, 10:30 - ?
Make any size you want. You can also turn it into a gift bag! Or attach a pincushion to the bottom.

Fabric Covered Box
Dec. 2, Saturday, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Piece a top ahead of time or just leave the top with pretty fabric.

Don't forget about

Holly Jolly
Nov.10  5-9pm

Winter CEO Reveal Party
Dec. 2, Saturday, 2:30 - 4
What's a CEO? A completely executed object that started out as an UFO (unfinished object). If you want to see the lovely work everyone has worked on all fall, join us. We will start sign-ups for the 2018 CEO Club too.

Food for Thought
Want to spread out and sew with friends? Think about coming to QA for a sit and sew over Thanksgiving and Winter School Break.  The classroom is available with design walls, irons, and space for several friends to enjoy the day. Give us a call at 804-262-0005 to reserve the space. There are places to eat nearby and several deliver!

English Paper Piecing Sew Along

Katja Marek is starting a new sew along this January. If you are interested, we can order the Distinctive Dresdens book and paper pieces sets. Then join us at QA for our EPP Sit n Sew on the second Sunday of the month - 1:30 - 4:30 pm.

Rainy Days and Sun Days

Consisting of 2 co-ordinated quilts
Rainy Day Umbrellas and Sun Day Parasols

Courtesy email registration is now available at: Katja's Quilt Shoppe

Guess I have to admit summer is over and it's gotten cooler. I even brought socks to Market. It was in the 40s when I walked to the convention center. We can almost sit with quilts that we're binding on our laps and not get over heated. Small holiday projects are being started and finished now. This is presuming the long armers have your big projects already. Let us help you get some one day projects started and finished. The classes listed above are one way to start. We have pillowcase kits with the directions included. We also have patterns for quick and easy table runners. Keep in mind that you can make decorations with orphan blocks too - pop-ups, table runners, pillows, wall hangings, tree skirts, and more. Let us know how we can help get your creative juices flowing.

Happy sewing this holiday season,
Phyllis and the QA Staff

Quilting Adventures                                                                     Hours: 
6943 Lakeside Avenue                                                                  Tu - Thurs 10 -8
Richmond VA  23228                                                                     Fri/Sat     10 - 6
804-262-0005                                                                                  Sun           12 - 5
Website:                          Closed Monday
Shop Blog: 


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Contact Info
Quilting Adventures
6943 Lakeside Ave
Richmond, VA 23228
(804) 262-0005
  • Hours 
    Tue-Sat 10 am-5 pm
    Sunday 12 pm-5 pm
    Monday closed
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