Aunt Grace Month Two
Month Two will be ready to pick up this Thursday! It is bright orange and much less sewing than Month One. In fact most months from now on are less than Month One. That is until you start putting it all together. Don't forget you can sit and sew with us for the day on Friday, Mar. 2 at 10:30 or Sunday, Mar. 4 at 1:30. Make sure you bring your background fabric!
 English Paper Piecing/Handwork Sit and Sew Mar. 11(2nd Sunday) 1:30 - ? We're expanding our second Sunday Sit and Sew to include any handwork - embroidery, cross stitch, applique. Need to finish hand quilting or sew a binding on a quilt and want company besides the TV while doing it, join us. Doesn't matter how complicated it is, what technique it is - just so no sewing machines are involved. Hope to see you with us!
 Free Spirit fabrics is being bought by Jaftex (Studio E, Blank Fabrics)
The Fortunoff Family owned Jaftex is negotiating to take over all of Free Spirit!!! Reps, designers, fabric in production - the whole kit and kaboodle. No more detail yet, but it is coming.

World Wide Quilt Day - March 17 In honor of Quilt Day, let's have party. Hourly goody drawings, food, something to drink(hot or cold depending on weather) and sales all day long. It's a surprise what your sale will be. Draw from the bucket to see what you win. Bring in a quilt to share too. It may get you an extra goody.
New In the Store Spring is arriving daily in the form of beautiful bolts of fabric. We have received Essentials and Counting Sheep from Wilmington Prints.

Carnivale from QT Fabrics is just what you would expect from the name.

Sunkissed Batiks from Moda are soft and fresh.
 Echo from Timeless Treasures are great blenders with a soft, quiet print in a rainbow of colors.

New patterns Ohana Fancy That All Wrapped Up
Blockstep Intertwined Basket Weave

Classes Don't forget to check out website calendar for classes. We add them all the time.
Tuffet Class March 17 & 24 or June 2 & 9

T-Shirt Quilt April 14 & 21

Beginning Quilting II - Half-Square Triangles April 28

Seeing Double Quilt May 5,12, & 19

I hope most of you had a chance to go to the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Show. Staff and I had a wonderful time viewing quilts, learning new techniques, and seeing things for us to have at the shop. We saw many of you there and everyone seemed to be enjoying the patterns, colors, and unique ways to make a quilt or challenge yourself. The competition quilts were stunning, as usual. I saw many quilts in the competition and in guild exhibits that were from many of you! Everyone is so talented!!!! I am in love with Cynthia England's picture piecing art quilts. I am going to learn how to do this and we'll have a class using this very different technique for making quilts. Let me know if you are interested in doing this with me. We'll start with an easy little block and then decide if we want to do one of her patterns or make your own. Please stop by this month, National Quilt Month, and share your quilts with us. We'll be giving away goodies and having flash sales all month long in the "Month's" honor.
Happy sewing for this quilty March, Phyllis and the QA staff
Quilting Adventures Hours: 6943 Lakeside Avenue Tu - Thurs 10 -8 Richmond VA 23228 Fri/Sat 10 - 6 804-262-0005 Sun 12 - 5 Website: http://www.quiltingadventures.com Closed Monday Shop Blog: http://www.quiltingadventures.com/qablog Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/QuiltingAdventuresVA