Can you believe that it's only 100 days to Halloween? We can't believe how fast this year is flying by. So, this entire week Halloween fabric, orange solids and prints, black solids and prints, Batik oranges and blacks, and other colors that go with your Halloween fabric will be 20% off.

Get those costumes, candy bags, seasonal decor, and Halloween quilts started now. This way they will be finished in time. :0) (Can you guess what the third picture costumes are?)

We(husband and I) were lucky enough to spend this last week with two of our grands. Picked them up from their other grand parents and drove them back to Maine. Spent a couple of days on the beach and just spent time with them. It took us 12 hours to get home(driving and stops for food and other necessities), but I'd do it again in a heartbeat. We're already talking about Thanksgiving, maybe. :0)))

 Hope you are getting to spend time with family this summer. No time like the present.

Happy sewing everyone,
Phyllis and the QA staff
Quilting Adventures Hours: 6943 Lakeside Avenue Tues thru Sat 10 - 5 Richmond VA 23228 Sun - Mon Closed 804-262-0005 Website: http://www.quiltingadventures.com Shop Blog: http://www.quiltingadventures.com/qablog Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/QuiltingAdventuresVA