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Rainbow Fabric

Shop Update May 13, 2023

Julie and I have been blown away by the welcoming nature of our employees, customers, and retail neighbors. The past two weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind, and I have had some restless nights and a LOT of support. We literally couldn't do this without the amazing staff and quilt community that Phyllis put together! I feel so much gratitude to for all of you. 

As many of you know, we are planning a renovation. Since we have a ton of fabric (maybe even two tons!) we are having a big sale May 16-27. We want to move out fabrics that have been hanging in the shop for a while to make space for new ones. This is exciting stuff!

All redline items will be 50% off.


We will have a 1 yard cut minimum for redline yardage.


All fat quarters will be $2.50 each and your 13th will still be free.


You will see some patterns on sale. All books will be half off.


Come check out these unbeatable bargains.

After the sale, we're starting our renovation. We will be closed for 2-3 weeks. Sunday, May 28th, we start moving bolts of fabric from the shop into a pod that will stay on the property throughout the reno. Monday, May 28th, we start demo and then we're off to the races to see if we can get the renovation done within the weeks allotted. We will certainly be updating you all as we move through this process, so make sure to follow us on Facebook and/or Instagram!

After the renovation, we will have a Grand re-Opening. This is where I get EXTRA excited. Sharing our changes in person with our community is what lights me up! We will have door prizes for customers and we hope this will be an all day party filled with fabric, ideas, and general community building. Again, to stay completely abreast of the happenings, hit up our socials, pop onto our email list and stay connected!





Contact Info
Quilting Adventures
6943 Lakeside Ave
Richmond, VA 23228
(804) 262-0005
  • Hours 
    Tue-Sat 10 am-5 pm
    Sunday 12 pm-5 pm
    Monday closed
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