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Rainbow Fabric

Mea Culpa! Mea Culpa!

If you've ever taken a class with me (Heather), you'll know that I tell people mistakes are inevitable. Perfection is overrated. Alas, I am not perfect. 

I made a mistake in my last email: I am teaching TWO Double Strip classes, not one. The first is this Saturday and the next one January 20th, so please excuse my mistake!

In other news: 

Julie and I have made some decisions about slow moving items. We spent weeks/months waffling: what to do about embroidery floss, the felt, zippers, paper piecing? These are things we know are important to some of our customers, but they simply move very slowly, which becomes problematic for small shops. We want to streamline things and make our shop a lean machine, so we are selling the following: 

1. If you're interested, we are selling the Sullivan's displays with all of the embroidery floss. Two displays, plus a ton of floss...all for $1,000. We are firm on this price becuase those displays are expensive (like $2,000 a piece). If you are interested, come into the shop to look at them in person and chat with Heather or Julie about getting them. 

2. All embroidery floss, Mettler thread, King Tut, felt (excluding kits), zippers and paper piecing papers are on sale for 40% off. Once this stuff is gone, it's gone. We won't be reordering these items. 

That's it! Sorry about two emails in one week, but we figured you'd want to know about these sales!

We hope you are staying warm and dry,

Heather, Julie and the QA Wunder Team

Contact Info
Quilting Adventures
6943 Lakeside Ave
Richmond, VA 23228
(804) 262-0005
  • Hours 
    Tue-Sat 10 am-5 pm
    Sunday 12 pm-5 pm
    Monday closed
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